Pairing the camera with the App

Please insert the SIM card then turn on the camera (the power button When the LED stays blue, it means that the camera recognizes the SIM card successfully).
(1) Click "Add a device" and then choose "Set up 4G device", Click "Next" when the camera LED stays blue.
①+Add a Device ②Setup 4G Device ③Next
(2) When the camera LED stays blue, use your mobile phone to scan the QR code which is pasted on the camera.
(3) You have connected the device to the App successfully. Please choose the name of the device from the drop-down choice, or you can modify one that you want, and then select the area where the device is located (you have to choose one or you cannot connect the camera to the app).

(4) Congratulations! You have connected the camera to the App successfully, now you can watch the live video on your phone anytime and anywhere which is captured by the camera.